Thursday, 26 April 2012

Getting Near the End

I am sat here on my 60th thinking back, as you do. I wish my Dad was the type who took me to games when we lived in Sunderland but he was not. I took all of my kids to games, not many in Sunderland, too far from Milton Keynes. We went to Midlands and London games. Some grew to love football others just liked to day out.  The closest my Dad got to SAFC was after mass one Sunday at St. Benets. We drove to a hall, Dad went inside and came out with a signed sheet. It was the whole Sunderland team of around 1960, what a team sheet that must of been. Did I get it, NO, one of my brother's did who has never had any interest in football. It is currently in his loft !!! How I envy him and what a waste.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Greeting from a wet Caithness

There is a part of me thinking how unimportant this blog is. As you know I run a support group for parents whose children have Hirschsprung's Today a child on one of our members died, he was only born July last year.  He also had HLH as well and the combination of both was too much for the wee lad. Blake was not the first child to die from the group and I am sad to say he will not be the last but every child's death is hard to take. I know how his parents feel after losing my boy too, although he was much older. This is video is parents made before his death

I have decided that I can't discuss football. I will be watching it, shouting for us to win which I think we will but until next time.


Friday, 13 April 2012

April Showers

I am sat here in Caithness with the sun streaming through the window. What a beautiful day it looks but looks can be deceptive. I have just come back from walking the dog and boy do you have to wrap up well, the wind is icy and in the wind is rain or at times hailstones. Martin maybe with us now, as the sun is but he was very little to work with & summer still seems a long way off, as last Saturday proved.