Friday, 28 October 2011

After the storms

We have had quiet a week so far as weather is concerned. Winds for a few days of over 50mph. This is the main entrance to Wick Harbour. Thank good those winds are over but just been watching the weather forecast for the weekend and they might be returning, not as strong 40+ this time. Strange isn't how life up here sometimes mirrors life down there? No, not contrived, just realised it as I was writing this, honest gov.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

...... continued, the saga that is sunderland

I'm back. sorry for the absence but I have been a poorly boy. I went into hospital with severe pains in the bowel, which for a person with Hirschsprung's ( can be serious. On my first day in, they discovered that I also had pneumonia. I escaped a operation on my bowel by a whisker, they had transferred me to the larger hospital in Inverness, a very bumpy 2.5 hour journey in a blue light ambulance. Took the dogs heir first walk out for the first time today, only 5 minutes but felt good. So I thought why not write this.